MHD Werkzeugmaschinen
Deburring machines for gears

MHD Werkzeugmaschinen is the Sales Agent of Tecnomacchine s.r.l., an Italian manufacturer
of deburring machines for gears.
The machines from Tecnomacchine are suitable for deburring of spur gears, bevel gears,
gear rims and pinion shafts. Deburring takes place with standard grinding tools and
CBN / diamond grinding wheels, end mills and brushes of various qualities.
The part dimensions could vary from 30 mm to 2000 mm diameter.
Deburring machines from Tecnomacchine are working at many well-known gear manufacturers
throughout Germany and Italy. The machines are available in modular construction and
a vast supplementary equpiment range responds to each production request.
Please send your enquiry here.